Sunday, March 29, 2009


:O There's so much for me to blog about..!
And and and photos to update my deadly wordy blog. ._.
But.....! My whole purpose of this post is to blog about the scary/funny/crazy nightmare that I had!
Too bad if you don't understand! :P
So here goes...!

Baby entered a singing competition, everyone sang soothing English pops and rock, but Baby went for Chinese rap by Jay Chou. Baby's voice was so mellifluous! Then Baby came across this hot babe and was checking her out, despite my presence. (ahahahaha! I earnestly felt this was damn hilarious!) That babe sang after Baby, and sang pretty well too. In the end the results were out...
Baby got 2nd while the babe got 1st. The babe gave a speech and here is how it goes.

Babe: I feel that this title do not belong to me but instead Baby.
*Summoning Baby to go on stage*
Babe: Baby totally deserved this.......blah blah blah.
*Invited Baby to give a speech*
Baby: Oh wow, I totally did not expect this........
*The babe was obviously interested in Baby and vice versa.* ( OMG! :O )
Then ( I can't remember what happened here? )
After the whole speech...,
The whole crowd was jeering and booing.
And there I was, left crying and screaming at Baby.
Girlfriends were there cheering me up,
telling me I should have expected this to happen...
Before I ran off, I screamed :
And I ran away!


Hahahahahaha, don't you think it's damn funny?
Okay, it was really scary for me about the "hating Baby forever" part.
I cried till I felt like I really cried in reality.
But oh well, they always say whatever happens in dreams/nightmares are always the oh well! :D hee!
`x estee x`

Monday, March 23, 2009

You Yes You!

Look at how much you affect me! :D
But neverthenless, I am still happy happy happy! :)
Hey You! Yes You!
Me<3You! :D

No more drowning of water anymore!

& now I know how much I mean to you, thank you for your love, love one! :)
`x estee x`

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hahaha, now I'm suffering from insomnia.
It's ten thirty, I'm still working on my 作文, which is my last assignment that needs to be handed in tomorrow.
But, insomnia is barring me from getting my good night rest!
It's not like I love thinking so much,
or getting myself sad and emo over trivial stuffs.
But let's face it, everyone feels the same way at some point of their life.
And yes, just that I'm experiencing it much much more sadness than happiness because I just feel tiny and small inside,
which thus leading me to do the next thing that I am gonna do,
water, water, water. :)

So what if I'm torturing what?

`x estee x`

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Elmo's Emo week.

It's just all weird, sucky and awkward.
I'm like breaking from this reality, yet again.
This morning, I drowned myself down with water for 15mins or > without leaving my mouth off the straw.
Then I headed to the water cooler to refill and drown myself again.
I realised, when I am really sad, I drown myself with water.
hahaha :)
Two days and counting...
`x estee x`

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Broken strings.

I really don't know what kind of feeling was that yesterday.
I'm sorry, I was trying to figure out why, but I didn't come up with any conclusion.
It's like melting, shaking...
But one thing for sure, I'll never want to let it go.
Never, ever, ever.
Because I do not wish to have any regrets, any any regrets.


Baby, I'm broken yet again, so so so bad.
`x estee x`

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm broken into pieces.
You made me cursed myself, hahaha :)

`x estee x`

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's the common test period, and yes I have chose to close my blog again.
For I have not been using the computer for long hours ever since the last time I blog?
Hahaha, time passes really fast.
And I know I shouldn't be here for now and should really get my butt off and work on A math & get everything about Geography & Social Studies into my head!
I know I can do it! :)
Though I passed, but I am very very disappointed with my carelessness in Chemistry,
and thought I could have done much better,
but I'm no longer gonna look back into the past.
What matters - 2009 GCE O'LEVELS. :D

Canon in' D & Marriage D'Amor ftw! :D

`x estee x`